Wink Beta 6 & Bug Submission Contest!

I'm excited to announce that Wink Beta 6 is out now and ready to play! It's feature  complete. Everything that will be in the game is in the game, just buggy and glitchy sometimes! That's where you come in -- we're having a contest where you can win physical copies of the game for submitting bugs. See more details below and Read the devlog to learn about all fixes, improvements, new levels, and the fascinating tale of the development process

Feature  complete means you can play every level, collect every item, and defeat every boss. The purpose of this beta is to collect as many bug reports as possible to make sure Wink is polished when released! It's especially important for physical versions because you can't send updates to a cartridge

Bug Contest: Submit bugs to win prizes

1st Place - the person who submits the most undiscovered bugs gets a complete in box copy of Wink & the Broken Robot

2nd Place - the person who submits the 2nd most undiscovered bugs gets a cartridge copy of Wink & the Broken Robot

3rd Place - the person who submits the 3rd most undiscovered bugs gets a digital copy of Wink & the Broken Robot

Read the contest rules here

Wink for Gameboy Color is in beta, so there are bugs. These are some known issues right now:

  1. Fast travel to map areas that aren't level worlds doesn't always work right
  2. Small glitches will be found. Submit them and I'll fix them!
  3.  If you get soft locked, choose β€œTo Map…” from the pause menu and then let me know because I need to fix that

If you find any other bugs or problems, please share them in the discussion board below or on the Discord

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